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What Is the Importance of Vitamins C and D in Our Body?

Minerals and vitamins are referred to as critical nutrients since they collectively perform hundreds of activities in the body. They aid in bone restoration, wound healing, and immune system strength. Furthermore, they convert food to energy and repair damage to cells.

Minerals and vitamins are frequently referred to as micronutrients since your body requires only trace amounts of them. Nonetheless, failure to obtain even those trace amounts essentially guaranteed sickness. The following are a few disorders that can occur as a result of vitamin deficiency:

Scurvy – Ancient sailors discovered that months without fresh fruits or vegetables—the primary sources of vitamin C—causes scurvy’s bleeding gums and listlessness.

Blindness – In some impoverished countries, vitamin A deficiency continues to cause blindness.

Rickets – Vitamin D deficiency can result in rickets, a disorder characterized by soft, brittle bones resulting in skeletal abnormalities such as bowed legs. Since the 1930s, the United States has fortified milk with vitamin D, primarily to prevent rickets.

Just as a deficiency of critical micronutrients can cause significant harm to your body, adequate amounts can bring considerable benefit. Among these benefits are the following:

Strong bones – Calcium, vitamin D, vitamin K, magnesium, and phosphorus all work together to preserve your bones from fractures.

Prevents the development of birth abnormalities – Prenatal folic acid supplementation helps avoid birth abnormalities of the brain and spine in kids.

Healthy teeth – Fluoride aids in bone development and prevents the onset or progression of dental cavities.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is required to grow and repair all tissues in the body. It forms an essential protein necessary to develop skin, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Heal wounds and promote the formation of scar tissue.

Vitamin C is a soluble in water vitamin that must be gained through diet or supplementation.

It has been linked to many outstanding health advantages, including increasing antioxidant levels, lowering blood pressure, preventing gout episodes, enhancing iron absorption, boosting immunity, and lowering the risk of heart disease and dementia.

In general, vitamin C pills are an excellent and straightforward approach to enhancing your vitamin C intake if you cannot obtain enough from diet alone.

Dr. Scott’s Selection Extreme Vitamin C+ is rich in vitamin C (from a mixture of ascorbic acid and acerola fruit) and plant bioflavonoids (hesperidin, rutin, quercetin, and mixed citrus bioflavonoids) known for their immunoprotective properties. In addition to supporting healthy immune function, these nutrients have historically been used to maintain healthy veins, capillaries, skin, hair, and nails by keeping normal collagen production and repair.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a necessary component of general wellness. However, many people in the United States and worldwide are deficient in this vitamin. And the only way to determine whether you’re getting enough of this vitamin is to undergo a costly test. And it looks as though new studies reveal new reasons why this vitamin is critical to our health daily.

Although vitamin D can be stored in body fat until it is needed, the issue is that getting enough vitamin D into your body is not always straightforward. Its primary function is to maintain an adequate level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood.

Those would be the two micronutrients that work in combination to help your bones stay strong. Without vitamin D, your body can absorb only a modest amount of calcium from your diet and slightly more than half of the phosphorus. Without an adequate intake of calcium and phosphorus, your bones would become brittle and easily break.

Dr. Scott’s Selection Extreme Vitamin D+ provides a clinically useful dose of vitamin D3 and vitamin K as both K1 and the MK-7 form of K2. This formula contains higher targeted quantities than Vitamin D Synergy for situations requiring more aggressive repletion. Vitamins D and K are essential for optimal bone and arterial health and maintaining the immune system in proper balance. The amount of vitamin D and K in this formula may benefit those who do not get adequate sun exposure and dietary sources of these vitamins. Vitamins D and K function synergistically. Thus, increasing vitamin D levels increases the requirement for vitamin K.

Final thought

Vitamins and minerals are critical for your body to develop and function normally. While most of the population obtain all of the essential nutrients through good eating, others require an additional vitamin boost. That is where vitamins come in – they provide the necessary support for your body to maintain good health.